A Little About Me

My enjoyment of turning particularly long bits of string into something vaguely artistic started at 11. A friend began showing me how to cross stitch and for several years I did little else, especially through the various lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. It was during those years that I decided cross stitch didn't use up embroidery threads fast enough, so I began making macrame bracelets to pass the long hours stuck inside. A few began to sell, and it gave me something to devote my time to but I quickly wanted to expand to techniques beyond knots. I happened to see a pattern for some crocheted shell stitch gloves and on an impulse bought a hook and some yarn I liked (it was multi-textured and a ridiculous choice for a first project!). The gloves are different sizes and I'm sure have a good many mistakes, but I still have them. And I haven't stopped crocheting since that first project. About 3 months later I wrote my first pattern, a colour changing fern that was the basis for my logo and to this day is one of my favourite things to make. 3 years on and I now spend most of my time designing and making anything and everything I can think up!